Dugout Storage Ideas & Organization Tips for Youth Baseball

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When you step up to the plate of coaching little league baseball or leading as team mom, you quickly learn that it can sometimes feel like you’re trying to play a game of catch… with cats! Young athletes are full of energy, curiosity, and sometimes a bit of misdirection.

Their enthusiasm for the sport is contagious (great!), but as a coach, managing that fervor (and their equipment) in the confines of a dugout can be a curveball of its own.

Just as baseball has its rules, a well-organized dugout with plenty of storage can turn that frenzy into a perfectly orchestrated game day.

The Ideal Dugout Layout

The baseball field is a realm of strategy, and the dugout is no different. Think of it as your team’s tactical headquarters, a place where every glove, bat, and ball has its purpose and place.

Before you can knock that mess out of the park, you need to visualize your game plan.


This is your team’s gateway to glory. Keeping it clear ensures your players move in and out with ease and dexterity, avoiding any “base-running” blunders in the dugout.

In all seriousness, with kids getting ready to take their chance at the plate(here are 150 baseball walk-up songs, if you needed them), they’ll be handling bats, raising them on their shoulders, and then some.

Plus, you’re going to have a coach or two moving players in and out, so it’ll be crowded enough. (This lineup board can help keep dugout traffic flowing.)


Much like the bases on a field, benches are the cornerstone of your dugout. Utilize them when you need, ensuring every player has a seat in the lineup.

(And “seat” is the operative word as many will use them as ladders if you let them. If they want to stand, encourage them to do so up at the fence where they can better cheer on their teammates.)

Stellar Storage Solutions

Now, every baseball player knows that their gear is an extension of themselves, a tool of the trade. But a cluttered toolkit can trip up even the best of players, or simply lead to frustration for little ones.

Helmet Racks: Helmets on the ground can easily become “soccer balls” or tripping hazards.

Secure helmets on racks and keep your players’ heads (and gear) in the game.

Dugout Bins: Similar to the above, these bins might be able to be used to safely hold the essentials that often roam and get lost. With their robust and compact design, say goodbye to dugout clutter and hello to a more organized game day.

Bat Racks: Similar to helmet racks, these bat racks can be attached to the dugout fence or wall. This prevents bats from being scattered on the floor.

Ball Bins: Have a designated container for extra balls. This ensures balls aren’t rolling around the dugout.

Bag & Equipment Hooks: This bulky gear is the armor of the baseball realm. Even if player’s choose to store bags under the bench, designated hooks or shelves mean it’s ready to don at a moment’s notice.

In baseball, as in life, cleanliness is often next to victory. An orderly dugout isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about ensuring every player can play safe and give their best performance!

Others Tips to Keep in Mind

While the above cover the dugout storage basics, you can take the extra steps with these tips below:

Safety First

In a sport where a ball is pitched at high speeds (or what might seem like high speeds to young kids) and bats swing with enthusiasm, safety should always be a priority, especially in the dugout.

First Aid Kit

Consider always having a clearly marked and easily accessible (by adults) first aid kit. Ensure it’s restocked regularly and that everyone knows its location (but of course out of reach or stored with the team mom or designated parent).

Equipment Check

Regularly inspect equipment for damage as a cracked helmet or a shinguard with a missing strap isn’t just ineffective; it can be dangerous.

Dugout Rules & Signage

It’s essential to set ground rules for behavior in the dugout to prevent accidents and maintain organization. These things might help.

Rules Signage

Clearly display a list of essential rules. For example, “No swinging bats in the dugout,” “Respect the equipment,” or “Stay seated unless you’re up next.”

Label Everything

Whether it’s bins, racks, or hooks, everything should be labeled. Not only does this make cleaning up easier, but it also helps players find what they need quickly.

Team Spirit & Bonding

Last, the dugout isn’t just a place to store equipment—it’s also where a team can bond.

Team Motto

Consider having a team motto or a motivational quote displayed in the dugout (perhaps on the team sign). This can serve as a morale booster during tough games.

Photo Board

A space for team photos, or even player cards, can add a personal touch to the dugout and remind everyone of the team’s journey.

Again, a dugout ready to face every inning, every play, and every spirited young player with gusto. Because in the great game of little league and youth baseball, organization might just be the unsung most valuable player.

About Ryan from Sport Stuff Genius 58 Articles
A complete sports fanatic most of his life, Ryan has taken his interest and expert knowledge to Sport Stuff Genius—a blog dedicated to uncovering answers to different questions and bringing fun to all things ball.