Yellow & Blue Sports Teams

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The first team that comes to mind when you hear “yellow and blue”—go! For me, it will always be the Rams of the NFL (I say that because in my mind it’s probably the Kurt Warner-era St. Louis Rams). Just something about those yellow horns on the blue helmet that will always stick in my sports brain.

Once I move past that point, though, there are a handful of others across the many sports, and all worthy for a little team color breakdown below.

  • Los Angeles Rams (NFL)
  • Nashville Predators (NHL)
  • Indiana Pacers (NBA)
  • Denver Nuggets (NBA)
  • Milwaukee Brewers (MLB)
  • The University of Michigan (NCAA)

Los Angeles Rams (NFL)

Thankfully, while the Rams have jumped around to a few cities – most recently from St. Louis to Los Angeles – they have maintained that bold blue and yellow combo mentioned above (while going more gold than yellow in some uniform instances).

And before we move on from their helmets specifically, did you know the Rams were the first team to have a helmet logo altogether?

For the HEX codes, you have #003594 (blue) and #FFD100 (yellow).

(Speaking of the Rams, I also them on my list of yellow sports teams thanks to their beautiful color rush uniforms).

Nashville Predators (NHL)

Back when I was looking at teams with the color purple, I mentioned that it was difficult for an expansion team to come into an already-established league and make a statement with uniforms and colors that weren’t flashy and/or hadn’t been done before.

The Predators, though – still relatively new – entered the NHL for the 1998-99 season, but not with teal and black (San Jose Sharks) or striking bolts (Tampa Bay Lightning), but a simple and refined blue and yellow.

In fact, of the NHL’s expansion teams of recent memory, from the Thrashers to the Wild to the Kraken, the Predators might be one of the most understated (along with the Columbus Blue Jackets, and aside from the gigantic sabretooth Tiger mascot).

HEX codes are #FFB81C for yellow, and #041E42 for navy blue.

Indiana Pacers (NBA)

Like the Predators, sometimes you forget these teams have another color besides yellow because their blue is a bit darker, and thus almost black or confused for another shade like purple, etc.

Other times, it’s the opposite, and because the team’s most iconic moments or memorable players are burned into your mind wearing a particular color.

In this case, when I think Indiana Pacers, I think Reggie Miller—and when I think Reggie Miller, he is in dark blue (or white, but definitely not yellow).

Anyway, the original team colors were derived from the state flag of Indiana. The current HEX codes are #002D62 for blue, and #FDBB30 for yellow.

Denver Nuggets (NBA)

Speaking of NBA teams you often forget even wear yellow because their blue or white is so dominant, the Denver Nuggets!

And, the blue is always changing! From Dikembe dark blue to Chauncy and Carmelo light blue…and now back to Jokic dark blue, it’s hard to keep track.

Either way, as you can see from the above, yellow seems to always have been a trim and afterthought (not to mention that red is actually a color of theirs as well, just to make sure all of the primaries were covered.

Nuggets’ HEX codes are #0E2240 for midnight blue, #FEC524 for sunshine yellow, and #1D428A for skyline blue.

Milwaukee Brewers (MLB)

Perhaps my favorite blue and yellow combo on the list (and yes, it might be completely due to the fact that I’m a bigger baseball fan than I am of any other sports combined). That said, I’m more into the 70s and 80s color scheme than I am in the current day look, but let’s jump in.

Really, it just has to do with the shade of blue, and the lighter shade when the team first came into the league up until the, what, Cal Eldred era? That mid-90s color switch also came with the Brewers getting rid of arguably one of the best logos (you know, the one you always thought was just a ball in glove but is actually a ball, glove, and an “m” and “b”).

Anyway, as you can see with the Brewers here, along with the Predators, Pacers, and Nuggets to an extent, if you’re blue and yellow in professional sports, that blue is probably a dark blue or navy shade.

HEX codes for the Brewers are #FFC52F for yellow and #12284B for navy blue.

About Ryan from Sport Stuff Genius 58 Articles
A complete sports fanatic most of his life, Ryan has taken his interest and expert knowledge to Sport Stuff Genius—a blog dedicated to uncovering answers to different questions and bringing fun to all things ball.