Does the Clock Run During Two-Point Conversions?

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In football, the game clock does not run during two-point conversions (or any extra-point attempt for that matter). The reason is, two-point conversions do not take place during an official “down” and are therefore more of an “extra” play.

Think about the repercussions if the game clock did actually run during a two-point conversion.

In one scenario, say a team is marching down the field and scores a touchdown as time expires to 00:00 to bring them within two points of tying the opposing squad. If there needed to be time on the clock for that team to run a two-point conversion in an attempt to win the game, they’d be out of luck. In simpler terms, think about the team that scores a touchdown and is down one with no time on the clock. They surely be allowed to kick the extra point.

In the case where a team was behind and needed the two-point conversion to tie the game or take the lead, they’d be less willing to go for it if there was fear their doing so would drain the clock.

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Alternatively, if a team was ahead with a few seconds left and wanted to make sure the other team never got the ball back, once they scored, they could implement time-wasting techniques on the actual two-point conversion. For instance, say ten seconds were left…the team could just snap the ball and run to the complete other side of the field to waste the time.

Last, it’s important to note the differences between the game clock and the play clock. While the game clock doesn’t run during conversions, the play clock absolutely runs because the two-point try or field goal attempt is still in fact a play. So, if the play clock expires, you’ll see a penalty flag for delay of game.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for a team to line up for a two-point conversion, only to take too much time, draw the delay of game penalty, move the ball back, and then opt for the extra-point instead because that extra five yards will make it that much more difficult to get into the endzone to convert.

So, no, the clock doesn’t run during two-point conversions, but a simple search for such on Twitter will show you there is much confusion about this, so you’re right in asking the question!

About Ryan from Sport Stuff Genius 58 Articles
A complete sports fanatic most of his life, Ryan has taken his interest and expert knowledge to Sport Stuff Genius—a blog dedicated to uncovering answers to different questions and bringing fun to all things ball.